Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catching up & More big news!

Well, I've been slacking...but for good reason. It's taking longer than anticipated getting settled back into the house in yorkville. Lots of little projects and a couple of not so little projects - Kiran's big boy room and the nursery! But I'm going to post lots of new pictures today!

In other news, we had our 20-week ultrasound on 9/9/09. Everything looks great! The baby is measuring about a week ahead, was moving around like crazy, but cooperative and the ultrasound tech got all the shots she needed. Both Nishu and Kiran were there for the ultrasound, which was great. And we found out that IT'S A BOY!! Kiran was less than thrilled with the news, whining, "but I wanted a sister" when the ultrasound tech announced the news. He's asked a few times "Who is going to be my sister?" and "But papa can give you another baby so I can have a sister, right mama?" I'm afraid he's out of luck, and it'll be two boys for us, which we are thrilled about!! Kiran's coming around and looking forward to his little brother being in his band with him, sharing a room (but not until the baby is three according to Kiran), and teaming up to tackle papa!

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