We would like to introduce the newest member of the Singh family...Naveen "Avi" Fredrick Singh. He is already an independent little guy who is doing things his own way! My official due date was February 4th. At my doctor's appointment on the 2nd, when he showed no signs of wanting to make his appearance, we scheduled an induction for the morning of Saturday 2/6. I really wanted to avoid an induction, though, and Nishu did his best to keep me walking to try to move things along. So, Friday he left work early and came home to "walk" me...yeah, just like a dog. I had a few cups of raspberry leaf tea (which is also supposed to help with labor) and we headed to the mall with my mom and Kiran. Sure enough I started contracting on the way to the mall at about 1:30. We went and walked around, let Kiran ride the carousel, play in the play area, and I even bought a new pair of boots. My contractions kept coming and by the time we left the mall at about 5:00 they were coming regularly every 4 minutes. We went and got some chinese food for dinner and headed home. After eating quickly, Nishu and I headed to the hospital. We got to the hospital at about 7 and were checked in. The nurse confirmed that I was making progress (4cm) and got us into labor and delivery...induction successfully avoided!! A few hours later I got an epidural and got some rest waiting until I was fully dilated. Finally at about 1:30 we were ready to go. But everytime I laid on my back or tried to push the baby's heart rate dropped dramatically (into the 50s when it should be between 110 and 160). So, between contractions I would lie on my right side (the baby liked that) but he was just unhappy with the situation. The doctor suggested we let him labor down, so we did for about an hour and tried again. Unfortunately, his heart rate continued to drop and eventually wouldn't rebound...so we were rushed in for a c-section. It was all very chaotic and scary! I ended up in the OR alone (without Nishu) for what seemed like forever with doctors rushing around, the anesthesiologist getting me ready, etc. Meanwhile, poor Nishu was all alone in the hall wondering what was going on. I think it's safe to say that neither of us had ever been so scared before. They finally brought Nishu in and very quickly Avi was here crying quite loudly (at exactly 4 am on 2/6/2010)...the sweetest sound I ever heard!
As it turns out, he was a big boy (8lbs 14oz, 21.5 inches) and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice. So, when I pushed it tighted resulting in the drop in heart rate. Thank goodness we had fantastic nurses and a great doctor who were all very quick to see there was a problem and we ended up with a sweet, healthy little boy! And now for some pictures! Avi and I are still in the hospital and Kiran isn't allowed to visit, so no family pictures just yet...give us another day or two and we'll all be home together!
Our first reaction was how amazingly similar Avi and Kiran look! Here are both of their infant pictures (the day they were born)? It's hard to even tell who is who. We can tell by the blankets, though!! Kiran is in black and white and Avi in color. They're like twins born 4 years apart!!

Here we are when things were going smoothly...ready to have a baby!!

Sorry it's upside down...his first picture. I hadn't even seen him yet.

Here I am meeting my little man for the very first time.

Our first picture of the 3 of us.

Holding him for the first time.

Dada and Dadi came to visit, too!
congratulations! He is beautiful. I'm sorry you went through that umbilical cord stuff. We had similar problems with Abby being born, so I know how freaky that can be. Glad all is well now. He is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSo glad things went well- he is so cute!! Hope you're feeling well- It will be nice to be home, I'm sure ;)
ReplyDeleteHe's so perfect, and boy are they ever twins!! Way to go, Mom!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beauty, Amber- just like big brother! Can't wait to meet him!
ReplyDeleteHe is beautiful. They look so much alike!!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I am so happy for you guys. Enjoy each day, they change so quickly. I wish you restful sleep.
ReplyDelete-Kathy Lemery-Chalfant
Welcome Avi. I hope to be seeing lots of pictures of you.