Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hoobie's Auction

This past Saturday my Aunt Stephanie held an auction that was amazing. Sadly, she lost her husband, Hoobie, a couple of months ago. Hoobie was an avid collector...of everything! You can read a little more about him and what amazing guy he was here: Steph held the first of two auctions last weekend to sell his cars, boats, and a variety of other stuff. My dad even bought an engine block. What does my dad need with an engine block, you ask? We don't know...a new project for him, I guess! Anyway, it was really great to be there for Stephanie as this was really hard and emotional for her and it was great to see the rest of the fam. The next auction is June 19...head on up!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Congratulations, Hopey Mausi!

Hope graduated this past Saturday. She is now a Certified Medical Assistant! Go, Hopey! We're so proud of you!!!!

A visit to Nani's house

We spent a fun weekend in Wisconsin, which started with a visit to Fond du lac. Fun time!

Check out this mother like son! ha!

My mom's "middle" dog - Sadie.

Dad with his "kids" - Georgie, Sadie, and Gambit.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Another day at the Arboretum

We had planned to go to the Arboretum with Kiran's buddy Wyatt and his family on Monday but the weather was rainy and overcast, so we rescheduled for today. And what a perfect day it was. The Arboretum was crazy busy (come to find out Wednesday is 1/2 price day), but we all had a ton of fun and spent 3+ hours there playing and having a picnic lunch.

I couldn't seem to find Avi's hat when we arrived, so we borrowed one from Wyatt's little sister. I think Avi looks very pretty!

Again, with the tadpoles...this time we were smart and brought cups so the kids could catch them.

Kiran was very proud of his catch!

And we did find Avi's hat, so I didn't have to torture him too long with the pink polka dots!