Wednesday, May 27, 2009


More pictures...I think this should be the last of them! We hopped off of one plane in Sydney and immediately hopped on another to Brisbane where we spent 3 1/2 days.

The skyline.

The Casino. Fortunately, Nishu's visit to the casino was a success!

The ferris wheel. We tried 3 times to take Kiran on the ferris wheel and each time he fell asleep in his stroller on the walk over, so the poor kid never did get to ride it.

Kiran slept through our brief visit to Ajay Chacha's apartment. But atleast we have photographic evidence that he was there.

When we got to our hotel, Kiran went right to work at this office. Such an important little man!

Performing "We Will Rock You" on a stage on Queen Street Mall. Such a little ham!

On our way to the Australia Zoo (the zoo that Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin worked). Kiran and Chacha were pretty tired!
Checking out the dragon.

Again, performing on the base of this monstrous statue.

Visiting with Khan, the Australia Zoo's Tiger.

Bua....the Crocodile Hunter!

Oh, no...getting eaten by a Croc!

Checking out the owl.

Next up was a trip to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, where we were immediately greeted by this lizard crossing the footpath (that's Australian for sidewalk).



Here come the kangaroo pictures! Kiran loved walking around visiting all the kangaroos and had to make sure to hit every little corner of the field so that he said "hi" to all of them. He was a tad dismayed at the amount of kangaroo poo on his shoes when we were done, though! Thank goodness they provided the necessary tools/brushes to clean your shoes at the exit!

If you look closely at this one, you can see the Joey peaking out of the mama's pouch. So cool and weird!

On our way out, these two kangaroos started loving on each other. They were hugging...awww!

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