Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Memory like an elephant!

Every night Kiran gets bedtime stories from me and Nishu. Usually stories that we've made up with Kiran's help along the way. Lately his favorite "mama story" is a very silly story about a very hungry gorilla. He often makes up funny names for the gorilla...Bubba, No-name, Pillow, Desk, etc. Most days he just looks around the room to come up with a name. In the story the hungry Gorilla isn't hungry for real food, he wants to eat cars and then has to buy new cars for all the poor people whose cars he's eaten. He's a goofy kid! Anyway, tonight as I was starting the story he made sure to clarify that No-name was a friendly gorilla, "He doesn't eat people. Only scary animals eat lions." Then he proceeded to ask me if I remembered when we saw lions at the zoo, "Remember, when we were with Dadi? She was so scared...but we took care of her."

We've been to the zoo dozens of times and seen the lions on most of those trips. We've only been once with Dadi and it was quite a while ago. Sometimes I really wonder where these random thoughts come from. But it's always fun to listen to the stories he remembers.

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