Thursday, May 28, 2009

Getting Eaten by a Croc!

Our Clumsy Little Performer

We came across this stage on the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane and Kiran just had to get up there and perform "We Will Rock You." He's such a goof...and so clumsy, which is very obvious in the second video. He tries to play it off as break dancing, but really he just falls a lot!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A couple of Kangaroo videos


More pictures...I think this should be the last of them! We hopped off of one plane in Sydney and immediately hopped on another to Brisbane where we spent 3 1/2 days.

The skyline.

The Casino. Fortunately, Nishu's visit to the casino was a success!

The ferris wheel. We tried 3 times to take Kiran on the ferris wheel and each time he fell asleep in his stroller on the walk over, so the poor kid never did get to ride it.

Kiran slept through our brief visit to Ajay Chacha's apartment. But atleast we have photographic evidence that he was there.

When we got to our hotel, Kiran went right to work at this office. Such an important little man!

Performing "We Will Rock You" on a stage on Queen Street Mall. Such a little ham!

On our way to the Australia Zoo (the zoo that Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin worked). Kiran and Chacha were pretty tired!
Checking out the dragon.

Again, performing on the base of this monstrous statue.

Visiting with Khan, the Australia Zoo's Tiger.

Bua....the Crocodile Hunter!

Oh, no...getting eaten by a Croc!

Checking out the owl.

Next up was a trip to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, where we were immediately greeted by this lizard crossing the footpath (that's Australian for sidewalk).



Here come the kangaroo pictures! Kiran loved walking around visiting all the kangaroos and had to make sure to hit every little corner of the field so that he said "hi" to all of them. He was a tad dismayed at the amount of kangaroo poo on his shoes when we were done, though! Thank goodness they provided the necessary tools/brushes to clean your shoes at the exit!

If you look closely at this one, you can see the Joey peaking out of the mama's pouch. So cool and weird!

On our way out, these two kangaroos started loving on each other. They were hugging...awww!

How could I forget these?

A few more pics from Sydney...

Right when we arrived at the Sydney airport we stopped for refreshments. Kiran got his first chocolate shake!

He was such a big boy walking through the airport wearing his new backpack!

Our first night in Sydney, we walked past this button shop and Kiran was enamored by the buttons in the window, but the store was closed. We told him we'd go back when it was open thinking he'd forget all about it. Well, not this kid! Two days later he remembered and so we had to go back. Who would have thought that a 3 year old would have so much fun in a store that ONLY sold buttons! He loved it!

He loved it so much, in fact, that he stated very emphatically that he wanted to "stay here forever!" Needless to say, he was not a happy little guy when we informed him that we would not be staying at the button store forever!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sydney: Installment 1 from our adventures in Australia

Well, we're back...had lots of fun, have boat loads of pictures, and are slowly adjusting to reality! I'm going to do several installments of pictures and videos because there are just too many to do at once!

Here is the first picture taken on our trip...doesn't look too promising when we had a 4 hour flight to San Francisco followed by a 14 hour flight to Sydney to look forward to! Fortunately, Kiran did great. Aside from a night terror while we were still on the ground in San Francisco (Yes, we were on the ground, boarded for over 3 hours before our 14 hour flight actually started...needless to say United won't be getting our $$ again!), Kiran did great! He didn't sleep much on the way there, but he was generally well-behaved and kept himself entertained even though we didn't have seatback TV's...ugh!

Here he is burning some energy at the San Francisco airport. Thank goodness for kids areas. He has so much fun, and was seriously sweating he was playing so hard!
The Sydney skyline...well, part of it anyway.

A couple of self-portraits in front of the Opera House.

One of about 674 pictures of the Opera House and Harbor Bridge.

Kiran getting ready for the Opera House tour. Little did he know that he would bring back a souvenir from the injury! As we were walking up the stairs to one of the venues in the Opera House he walked straight into the corner of the stair rail. He recovered quickly, but when I took a look a little while later noticed a little puncture right on top of his head and it was bleeding. He's still sporting a little scab on his head from his Opera House injury. Poor guy.
More Opera House...if you look really closely, the three of us are sitting on the stairs. How we were able to pull this off with a bazillion other tourists on the steps I'll never understand?

Kiran running up the steps all by himself...he was very proud when he got to the top raising one arm in victory!

More just across the harbor from the Opera House.

You guessed it..more of the Opera House. Kiran goofin' around with Papa and Chacha.
Harbor Bridge. If you look really closely you can see people walking along the top of the bridge!! Scary!

Kiran and Mama waiting for the train.

The Sydney Botanical Garden was just favorite part was the bats! This is a shot of a tree just full of bats hanging. There were dozens of trees just like this. And at dusk they erupted with bats. It was so neat. The bats were so big they looked like BIG birds flying through the sky.

More close ups of the bats.

More in the botanical garden. The trees were absolutely amazing! They were so get a glimpse of that by seeing just how enormous this tree trunk is with Nishu and Kiran standing inside a crease in the trunk.

More in the botanical garden...with the Opera House in the background, of course!

Paddy's Market - so much fun shopping and such good deals!

Some nice family shots with the Harbor Bridge in the background.

Kiran and Bua walking with his "mop." He found this branch and became very attached. It was his mop and he cleaned the botanical garden with it. It also doubled as a guitar sometimes (Big surprise, I know!). He carried it around ALL day. Unfortunately, we left the "mop" behind at a restaurant but Kiran was already asleep, so we managed to avoid a meltdown over the loss of the mop.
More fun with the mop.

We did a day tour of the Blue Mountains. Unfortunately, the weather was bad our entire trip! Sydney had gotten so much rain that the park (where Kangaroos live) was closed because the roads were flooded. Boo!

We did still get a really nice tour, including this waterfall...
The "Three Sisters", which are the three stone peaks you see. There's an aboriginal story behind this... in the Blue Mountains.

Kiran checking out an aboriginal stone carving.
I got so close to this bird to get a good shot while we were walking to the pretty!We also took a drive through Olympic Park. The Olympic complex from 2000 is still completely intact and every building is being used. It was pretty neat. The area that the complex is in was completely uninhabitable 15 years ago because of pollution, but it's been totally revived, is beautiful and green, and has this incredible resource for Sydney now. It was pretty neat!

More from Brisbane and videos to come...